Check Out This App!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I’ve found myself over the past month...headphones in ear...latenight
...listening intently and absolutely taken with an entirely new approach to a familiar and age-old book.  Who would have figured a couple of college students could change the way we understand the Word of God? 
     It began with a few college guys in a dorm room one evening about 2 years ago.  Founder and CEO of the Press Bible, Maison Tiradoegas had recently come across an iOS app actually created by Al Gore.  The app was an interactive book that addressed global concerns via video, photography, and interactive info-graphics.  Simultaneously, he had  discovered a website called, containing video tutorials for design and technology, which made learning advanced subjects simple and manageable.  As he thumbed through his John McArthur Bible commentary, an idea sparked, “Wouldn’t this be much more appealing as a video of McArthur sharing his perpective?” rather than just words on a page.  Why not an app unlike anything the world has ever seen?

The original project sort of fell apart.  Lack of funds and other challenges, only caused Tiradoegas to delve deeper into his vision.  He was offered his dream job straight out of college but as he focused on the Press Bible, he knew it had to be his only option.  He postponed his wedding and maneuvered through unforeseen challenges.  In fact the project was recreated three times. Consequently, co-founder, Landon Kozeny was playing professional baseball in Santa Fe and left it all to tackle this project. But they both realized this was the pursuit of something extraordinary...something that had the potential to change lives forever.
Observing his kid brother’s navigation and love for the iPad, Tiradoegas and Kozeny, strategically wrote the app for teenagers and adults.  With the nextGen in mind, the content was made signature...original music...unique photography, modern design, and graphics...a partnership with Tyndale publishing for use of the New Living video interviews with 14 professors and pastors...and audio narration.
The team’s goal was never to replace anything, but to bring each God-inspired book to life.  The Press Bible allows reader’s access to a free, engaging Bible experience.  Consumers can expect a fresh, compelling way to encounter God’s Word.  This app is an easy beginning place for unbelievers and and a way of furthering how mature believers memorize and interact with Scripture.  Tiradoegas sincerely states, “I love that people will be able to imagine (history) and these stories in (current) time.” 
Tiradoegas is quick to explain that the team has been stunned by the initial success of this project.  Just 9 days following it’s launch on June 21, 2013, the Press Bible had over 2500 downloads and close to 3000 video plays.  The biggest reward: Knowing that this little download might actually move someone to read and react to God’s word.
In 2013, the Barna Group stated, “Nearly half (46%) of adults believe the Bible doesn’t have much impact on American youth.”  Realizing that the Bible isn’t going anywhere, Tiradoegas, Kozeny, and the Other Half (their project team) believe that disrupting this quote, revolutionizing the way this younger generation views the Bible is only a press away.  They maintain that Bible education is the most important thing this generation needs and they plan to do everything in their power to take their take on the Gospel to the world. 
The Press Bible is currently available from the iTunes App Store and for all iOS devices.
